Hello, thank you for deciding to donate to our project. We appreciate your support, but please keep in mind that donations, while appreciated, are not required. With enough persistence and dedication, the game can be played for free thanks to our unique approach to the project. Our goal is to create a stable, clean gaming environment where you can have fun with your friends for months to come. Our projects are long-term with stable and interesting development. Funds from donations will go towards paying our enormous infrastructure bills, as well as ongoing staff development and needs.
You can access the donation page by logging into your master account on the website:
When you go to the donation page, you will see 3 payment systems: ENOT, Paypalych and Freekassa. We recommend that residents of RU use ENOT, Freekassa or Paypalych, UA/EU - Freekassa.
A Master Account can be developed through donations and participation in competitions. The higher the MA level, the greater the bonus we add to your donation. Below is a list of the MA level and bonus for withdrawing funds to the game (1 rub = 1 exp):
Level | 1 |
Level | 2 |
Level | 3 |
Level | 4 |
Level | 5 |
Level | 6 |
Level | 7 |
Level | 8 |
Level | 9 |
Level | 10 |
Exp: | 0 |
Exp: | 400 |
Exp: | 1000 |
Exp: | 2000 |
Exp: | 2500 |
Exp: | 8000 |
Exp: | 15000 |
Exp: | 20000 |
Exp: | 23000 |
Exp: | 26000 |
BONUS | 0% |
BONUS | 2% |
BONUS | 3% |
BONUS | 5% |
BONUS | 8% |
BONUS | 12% |
BONUS | 15% |
BONUS | 18% |
BONUS | 20% |
BONUS | 22% |
Please keep in mind that we run promotions from time to time and these BONUSES may increase during certain events.